Why You Should Pay Your Architect To Oversee Construction Penny wise, pound foolish... Ulrich Pieterse Professional Architect Table of Contents Design Intent Preservation Reduced Stress for You, the Client Contractor Co-ordination Seamless Design and Construction...
The Problem With Illegal Architecture Practitioners The real cost of illegal architects... Ulrich Pieterse Professional Architect Architects are responsible for designing safe living and working spaces and supervising their construction to make sure that they go from...
Architects: we all know one when we see one. Cool and professional, smart and creative, and often seen with rolled-up plans propped under one arm – but what do architects really do? If you’ve never had professional dealings with an architect, you may be...
If you’re reading this, chances are good that you’re thinking of hiring an architect to help design your ideal home and make sure it gets built the right way. But what exactly can you expect when you sit down with your architect to talk business? As a registered...